School Uniform
School uniform gives children a sense of belonging and encourages them to have a pride in their school.
The above items can all be obtained from the usual department stores as well as the School Uniform Supplier – M. Warren & Co., which is a local company based at Unit 38, Chadkirk Business Park, Vale Road, Romiley. Orders for items can be made through the M Warren & Co online store or by direct visits to the premises.
We also have a selection of pre-worn uniform which is available at the school office or on sale during school fairs at the price of £1 per item.
Please make sure that all items of clothing carry your child’s name.
Can my child wear jewellery?
We do not encourage the wearing of jewellery at school other than a watch. Please do not send your child to school with an expensive watch as the school is not able to take responsibility for it.
If your child has pierced ears, please make sure that he/she wears small studs rather than hoop earrings. Earrings must be removed by the child for P.E., games and swimming. If you are thinking of having your child’s ears pierced then the start of the summer break is a good time as this allows the piercings to heal.
Can my child take a mobile phone to school?
Mobile phones are strongly discouraged as they are considered unnecessary and potentially disruptive in school. In special circumstances, and with the Head Teacher’s consent, mobile phones can be brought to school but they must be handed in at the School Office, where they are safely stored, at the start of the day and collected at the end of the school day.