Spiritual Moral Social Cultural Development (SMSC)
At Romiley Primary School we are proud to report that our commitment to SMSC has led to us being awarded the Silver level of the National SMSC Quality Mark. We aim to prepare our children for their next stage of education and support them positively to successfully take their place in modern British society.

At Romiley Primary School we encourage our children to explore different beliefs and experiences; respect different faiths, feelings and values; learn about themselves, others and the surrounding world; use their imagination and creativity and reflect on their own unique experiences.
We do this through:
- Growth Mindset Work
- Art (whole school focus)
- Forest School
- RE lessons
- Themed assemblies (Harvest, Easter etc.)
- Special visitors to enhance our curriculum
- Links with a local church
- Linking schools project (Year Five)
- Appreciation and respect of children in school who practice different religions
- Singing/music opportunities
- Circle Time and PSHE lessons
- Recognition of important religious festivals such as Eid, Chinese New Year, Diwali
- Show and tell
- Educational visits and trips to places of worship
- Listening to music round around the world
- Restorative Approaches which encourage reflection on respect, feelings and valuing others
- Drama /DEAL activities
At our school, we are committed to teaching our children to recognise right and wrong; respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues and offer reasoned views.
Examples include:
- Pupil voice/pupil questionnaires/suggestion boxes/ask it baskets
- School and classroom rules
- Positive reward systems
- House points (whole school)
- Celebration assemblies (Spotlight; Have A Go Superhero; Oscars)
- 100% attendance rewards
- Circle Time and PSHE lessons
- Themed weeks (e.g Anti-bullying week)
- Restorative Approaches
- Visits to school from members of the local community
- Assemblies with a Social Emotional Aspects Learning (SEAL) theme
- E-safety lessons and themed days (e.g. Safer Internet Day)
- English lessons exploring stories with morals (e.g. fables and traditional tales)
- Contracts of behaviour for school council members
- Prefects
- Sports ambassadors
- House captains
- Play leaders
- School council meetings
- Newsbites/First News in classes to explore recent news and events
- Social
We endeavour to equip our children with a range of social skills that can be transferred to many different situations both in and out of school. We provide opportunities for all our children to participate in the local community and engage with the ‘British values’ of democracy, the rule of law, liberty, respect and tolerance.
We do this by:
- School Council campaign and the election process
- School Council meetings and roles
- Prefects
- Sports ambassadors and captains
- Play leaders
- Visitors to school from the local community
- School brass band and all of its community links
- Community events (community concert, charity fundraising, carol concert etc.)
- Forest School
- Bikeability and Safe Scooter training
- Fire safety (visitor)
- British values/PSHE themed assemblies
- Residential trip (Y6)
- Circle Time
- Shoulder partners
- Growth Mindset Work
- Cooperative group work
- Problem solving activities
- Visits to other schools to take part in special events (e.g. sports tournaments)
- Drama/DEAL
- Visitors to school
- Show and Tell – sharing news
- Celebration assemblies
- Assemblies with a PSHE/British values theme
- Restorative Approaches
- Reading Partners/book buddies
- Speaking and Listening activities
- Extra-curricular opportunities
- Sports coaches in to deliver PE lessons
- Shows and performances
- Charity events
- Playtime and dinnertime games
- Books added to the library representing diversity in Britain and LGBT families
- Restorative approaches and sessions that focus on conflict resolution
- Links with parents
- Cultural
At Romiley we provide our children with many opportunities throughout the curriculum to appreciate cultural influences and participate in culture opportunities; appreciate the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.
Some examples include:
- School Council election and use of ballot boxes
- Visits from the MP
- Celebration of Current Events (e.g. World Cup, Olympics, Royal weddings and births)
- Celebration Assemblies
- RE lessons and themed assemblies
- Circle Time and PSHE lessons
- Linking Schools (Y5)
- Recognition of important religious festivals such as Eid, Chinese New Year, Diwali
- Art – artist focus
- House Days (PSHE/RE/DT/PE themed)
- French week
- Show and tell
- Educational trips and visits
- Music
- School Ethos
- History Lessons (British History)
- Exploring other countries through topic work
- Food tasting and themed lunches (e.g. Chinese New Year lunch)
- Participation in fund raising activities
- Inter-school events
- Assemblies (celebrating music, art etc.)
- Theatre trips
- Music/ choir