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SEND Information

SEND Graduated Response

Every child is unique. Some children will need more support than others, and at different times, through their educational journey. This graduated response document is a helpful summary of some of the support your child may receive as they go through our school - remember though, we co-construct all support with parents and carers because we highly value this unique knowledge and insight. Together, we will design a package of support that is right for your child. 



Barriers to learning come in many different forms, sometimes SEND is only part of the story. A child will not fulfil their potentional if they are hungry, tired or have low self-esteem for instance. They may also have suffered adverse childhood experiences such as bereavement, trauma, social, emotional and mental health difficulties, or many other factors. For this reason, one of our priorities at school is to identify the barriers to learning and put appropriate support in place at universal, targeted and specialised support. 

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