The safety of all the children in our care is our highest priority.
Safeguarding underpins all our decisions and is embedded throughout the whole school.
All staff are trained to be aware of any signs or symptoms of abuse, this reduces the opportunity for anyone to cause harm to the children.
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL)
The Designated Safeguarding Leads at Romiley Primary School are;
Mr A Bassett - Headteacher and Lead DSL
Mrs E Clerc - Deputy Head and Deputy DSL
Mrs A Bradbury - Pastoral Manager
Mrs C Frost - SENDCO
Miss Morgan - OOSC Manager
All the above staff can be contacted via the school office on 0161 4303101
Stockport MASSH
The Stockport Multi-Agency Safeguarding and Support Hub (MASSH) is the single point of contact for the public and professionals to report concerns, request advice and share information about a child and or family.
They can be reached on 0161 217 6028
If you feel a child is at immediate risk of harm call the police on 999
Operation Encompass
Romiley Primary School is part of the Operation Encompass scheme. Operation Encompass is a police and education early information safeguarding partnership enabling school to offer immediate support to children experiencing domestic abuse.
The Operation Encompass lead in Romiley Primary School is Mr A Bassett.
Safeguarding Policy
The policy for Romiley Primary School is attached below.
Safeguarding Guide for Visitors
We ask all visitors to the school to ensure that thye have read and understood the attached guide as well well as the latest Keeping Children Safe in Education document.