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Governor Information

Declaration of Business/Personal Interests

One Governor is related to a member of staff.

Governing Body

As a Governing Body, our purpose is to work in partnership with the school leadership team to manage the school. We take great pride in our school and share an authentic desire to achieve the best for all in our school community; children, their families and our staff.

The full Governing Body meets at least once every term and staff, parents and carers and interested members of the public are welcome to attend. We ask that you give us advance notice if you wish to attend as we may need to move to a larger room for the meeting.

Please contact school for dates of the meetings.

In addition to the full Governing Body meetings, much of the work is done in sub groups or committees and they meet on a regular basis.

Teaching and Learning
Deals with the curriculum and curriculum related issues.

Committee Remit > Click here

Deals with the premises and budget. We seek to achieve best value and best provision within our budget. Prudent financial management means that we are in a stable financial position.

Deals with the appointment of staff and all issues related to their employment.

Each committee reviews the policies as included in their individual remits. All policies are available for anyone who wishes to read them. The minutes of all meetings, once agreed are published and are also available to anyone who wishes to read them.

All our governors are volunteers and do not claim expenses incurred during their work as members of the Governing Body.

We are fortunate to have a group of people willing to share their professional expertise and wisdom to challenge where necessary and also to support the staff. The role demands a significant time commitment but we consider it a privilege to join with the staff in providing such an outstanding environment for all the pupils. Governors also regularly attend local authority training and development sessions which enables them to fulfill their role to their best of their ability with the most up to date knowledge and training.

As a school we buy into the local authority governor support services. This includes a clerk who provides vital and efficient support.

The Chair of Governors can be contacted via the school office and will always meet with parents or carers when requested.

More information about the role and work of a school governor can be found on this Stockport Local Authority website link.

Governor Profiles

  • Sally King - Chair of Governors

    Co-opted governor appointed by the Governing Board
    Term of office:

    1 January 2023 31 December 2026


    • Teaching and Learning
    • Staffing
    • Resources
    • Good Governance Group

    Other responsibilities:

    • Linked governor for English, SEND, Safeguarding
    • School Inspection Advisor
    • Head Teacher’s performance management

    I have been involved with Romiley Primary School for over 20 years. All 3 of my children were pupils, they had a wonderful start to their formal education and began a lifelong love of learning.

    Being a Governor enables me to put something back into the school community which has played a significant role in the life of my family.

    As a Speech and Language Therapist I am passionate about communication and speech and language acquisition and development. It is important that each child is able to access all areas of the curriculum and reach their full potential whilst at Romiley Primary School.

  • Steven Horne BSc, ACA - Vice Chair of Governors

    Co-opted Governor appointed by the Governing Board
    Term of office:

    1 January 2023 31 December 2026


    • Staffing
    • Resources
    • Good Governance Group

    Other responsibilities:

    • Chair of Resources Committee
    • Linked governor for Numeracy, Safeguarding, Art, Assessment, Pupil Premium
    • School Inspection Advisor
    • Head Teacher’s performance management

    It has been my privilege to be a Governor at Romiley Primary School since 2009. My 3 daughters have all loved their time at Romiley and have received an excellent education in a caring and nurturing environment.

    My aim as a Governor is to support the staff as they continue their excellent work educating the whole child and to ensure Romiley Primary School continues the journey to outstanding.

    As a retired Chartered Accountant and Group Finance Director, I understand the financial constraints placed upon the school and the performance criteria upon which it is to be judged.  I have extensive recruitment and staff relations experience and most importantly, the time to devote to the demands of this role.

  • Anthony Woodings

    Term of Office: 26 February 2024 to 26 February 2028

    Committees: Staffing, Resources

    Link governor for Design Technology

    Relevant business interests: none

    Romiley Primary School is an excellent school and although my twin daughters are now in Year 8 at secondary school, they remember their time here fondly. As a parent, I was proud to be elected to the Governing body in early 2020, and to be able to give something back to the school that had helped my girls so much.

    I sit on the Resources and Staffing committee, which as a Chartered Accountant in practice in Stockport, is an area I feel most able to make a contribution to the running of the school.

    My term of office as an elected parent governor comes to an end in 2024 and I would encourage other parents to stand in my place. I would be happy to share my experiences with any parent that is interested.

  • Jenny Healey

    Term of Office: 26 February 2024 to 25 February 2028

    Committees: Staffing, Teaching & Learning

    Link governor for TBC

    Relevant business interests: none

    I have been a teacher for many years and am currently Head of Maths at a secondary school in Stockport.  I know how much of a difference attending an excellent school and having caring and passionate teachers can make to a child.  It has been a joy to witness this with my two children who love coming to Romiley Primary School each day.  Without exception, all of the staff involved with them over the last 7 years have been wonderful. 

    I am pleased to have been given the opportunity to give something back to the school.  I want to help ensure it continues to develop and nurture each and every child whilst providing a well-balanced and broad curriculum

  • Ben Clarke

    Staff Governor appointed by: Staff vote
    Term of Office: 01 Nov 2020 – 31 Oct.2024

    • Teaching and Learning
    • Good Governance Group

    I have worked as a teacher at Romiley Primary School since 2019. I am currently a year 4 teacher having previously worked in year 1. This has enabled me to gain greater knowledge of the key stage 1 and 2 programmes of study and how they are delivered in school.

    I strongly believe that children should be treated as individuals within a happy, secure environment whilst experiencing a broad and exciting curriculum. I am enthusiastic about the creative arts and in particular music as they give children the opportunity to develop different skills.

    My role as staff governor is to help to ensure that Romiley Primary continues to provide an engaging and inclusive curriculum for all. Furthermore, I feel that I will be able to provide a link between staff and governors through giving an insight into the inspiring teaching that takes place at Romiley.

  • Mel Oxer

    Support Staff Governor appointed by: Staff vote
    Term of office: 25th June 2020 – 24th June 2024

    Committees: Teaching & Learning

    I have worked as a teaching assistant at Romiley Primary School since 2012. During this time I have worked closely with staff and children across the age range, from Nursery to Year 6.

    My passion is to ensure children continue to experience and enjoy the wider curriculum in school, including outdoor learning activities, Forest School and food technology. In addition to this I lead and mentor the School Sports Ambassadors who enable our children to access structured lunchtime activities.

    As a Support Staff Governor, I have the personal experience and knowledge to allow me to represent the views of staff and children at governing board meetings, ensuring the best outcomes for all.

  • Jan Holt

    Committees:- Teaching & Learning and Staffing & Resources

    Term of office:

    30 September 2020 29 September 2024

    Link governor for Physical Education, Music & Wellbeing

    I have lived in the Romiley area most my life and my three children attended the school. Having retired from my teaching career after 39 years I wanted to contribute to the community I live in. Being involved in areas of governor responsibility that fit with my knowledge and experience enables me to make a positive contribution.

    Romiley Primary has been and continues to be a great school with sound values and high standards set for its pupils. It is a school that offers children a rounded education which I believe is essential to the growth and development of each individual. As a former PE teacher and competitive GB athlete I have a keen interest in the present and future health, wellbeing and active lifestyles of children in today’s world.

    I feel that being a governor gives me an opportunity to help ensure our school has a bright future for all the children.

  • Emma Ryden

    Term of office:

    2 March 2022 1 March 2026

    As a former secondary maths teacher now working in education policy, I deeply value the role that schools play in enabling young people to be the best that they can and  succeed in life. I wanted to become a governor to learn about and contribute to the local community (I only came to Romiley in 2021), to continue to understand the issues being faced in education today and to be part of a school with such a commitment to its pupils. I feel privileged to be a Governor at Romiley Primary School, where the staff work relentlessly to provide the best education that they can for their pupils. I can’t wait for my toddler to join in a couple of years time.

  • Lianne Amato

    Term of office:

    2 March 2022 1 March 2026
    1. Committees that you're on;

    Teaching & learning

    Linked governor with modern foreign languages 

    1. Interests and experience

    I have lived and worked in three different countries, during this time I worked in a Spanish school and in an inclusive play setting in the UK. I feel I can bring a diverse perspective to the governing body through my experience of working with children with additional needs and in a foreign country.

    1. What made you become a governor at Romiley 

    Being governor is a great opportunity to contribute positively and be in be involved in the challenges and prospects that lay ahead, in whatever ways are helpful to Romiley primary school and the community.

Full Governing Board Minutes

Please see below for the most recent Governing Board minutes. Governing Board minutes are completed shortly after the termly board meetings. These are then checked and ratified by the governing board at the next termly meeting before being published. 

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