School News Feed
- Newsletter18 October 2024Newsletter - Friday 18th OctoberDear Parents and Carers, Happy half term! Sometimes it feels as though walking through these doors is like walking into a time machine – how is half term already?! I know the children will be tired, particularly our children in Reception! They all deserve a well-earned rest. Remember, after half term, we have 2 INSET days. The children will be back in on Wednesday 30th October. Also, remember 31st October is a non-uniform day to raise funds for the PTA on Halloween. This is not a fancy-dress day – just non-uniform. Save the costumes and face paint for trick or treating afterwards! You all know that positivity is one of our core values. This week, I was reminded about gratitude and the important part this plays in being positive. I am incredibly grateful for the staff who priortise relationships with our children; the parents who are so willing to support at school and home; and the children who make this school what it is by demonstrating resilience, positivity and support. They are a credit to you! As we finish this half term, why not ask at the dinner table tonight, ‘what are you grateful for?’ Enjoy your half term – see you on 30th! Mr Bassett
- Important11 October 2024WhatsAppDear Parents and Carers, We have been made aware of someone trying to access parent WhatsApp groups who are not parents. Whilst parent groups are set up and managed by parents, not the school, we wanted you to be aware so that you can check your privacy settings. Please report any concerns to the administrator of the group. Kind regards,
- Newsletter27 September 2024Newsletter - Friday 27th SeptemberDear Parents and Carers, This week our fabulous Inclusion team have worked hard discussing our special educational needs support plans with parents and staff throughout school. I have to say, I am really proud of our inclusion team, they have worked so hard and I believe they'll leave no stone unturned to get the best outcomes for all our pupils. I've also had some really positive feedback from parents - thank you! This week, Mrs Clerc and I have been in every classroom across school and we are both in agreement that the quality of teaching and learning is excellent here at Romiley. Our teachers are highly skilled, but far more importantly than that, all our staff prioritise relationships. After only 3 weeks in, our children are settled and happy in class and are enjoying their learning. Year 1 had a fantastic Colour Day based on the text, the Day the Crayons Quit (a great book!) and we celebrated European Day of Languages - a huge thank you to all the parents who volunteered to come in and share their knowledge, passion and culture with our children. I do hope you all have a restful weekend. See on Monday! Mr Bassett
- Newsletter20 September 2024Newsletter - Friday 20th SeptemberDear Parents and Carers, Please find attached this week's newsletter. Today, we had a special visit form Lisa Smart MP, we've also had a visit from the school's improvement advisor this week, both are very impressed with Romiley Primary School! It's great to hear when the hard work of our staff and children and the quality of our curriculum is recognised! Earlier this week, we sent out a communication survey - unfortunately, we didn't attached the link! We've now added this - so if you get a minute, we'd love your feedback on how we can improve our communication. I do hope you have a great weekend! See you on Monday, Mr Bassett
- Newsletter19 July 2024Newsletter W/e 19th July 2024Good afternoon and Happy Friday! This will be our last newsletter of the year! Attached this week is a letter from the Local Authority regarding changes to Speech and Language support. We also have some frustrating news regarding our conversion to academy status. Because of delays outside our control, we are now working towards 1st November for our academy conversion. The big news for today is of course reports! Although reading 460 of them was quite an undertaking - I can genuinely say that it was a delight. I feel like I know each and every child that little bit better! The teachers have worked so hard putting them together, I do hope you enjoy them. Take care - we're nearly there! Mr Bassett
- Newsletter12 July 2024Newsletter W/e 12th July 2024Good afternoon - and happy weekend! Firstly, I'd like to thank so many of you for coming to our Sports Day. The children loved seeing you there and valued your support. Weren't we incredibly lucky that it stayed dry?! As always, you'll find our weekly newsletter attached. I do hope you enjoy the weekend (particularly the game on Sunday!) See you on Monday,
- Newsletter5 July 2024Newsletter W/e 5th July 2024This week has been quite significant for lots of us in a variety of ways! Yesterday was 'Transition Day' in more ways than one! Lisa Smart is now our local MP, I hope to welcome her to school soon and help her understand the need for a significant increase in school funding. Our children spent time in their new classes and we had our annual, Romiley's Got Talent show, where our children (and staff) got to show off their amazing talents - well the children did! We are also really excited to welcome another 'real life' author to school. This time, for our Early Years and KS1 pupils. Please see the attached letter for more information. I have also attached more helpful parent guides for a range of apps the children say they have access to. I hope you have a fantastic weekend and I look forward to seeing many of you next week for our Sports Day. Kind regards, Mr Bassett
- Newsletter28 June 2024Newsletter W/e 28th June 2024Good afternoon, What a week that was! We had our obligatory few days of summer - now it's back to perpetual autumn; we've had 2 concerts; a welcome afternoon for our new Reception parents; a trip to pizza express; a tennis competition; Year 6 are rehearsing for their fantastic end of year production, and much much more! The next few weeks are just as jam-packed with our transition day, sports day, more trips and concerts; there is certainly no 'winding down' here! We also say a fond farewell and good luck to Miss Gaskell who has left us to have her baby. We would like to thank her for all her hard work and wish her the very best of luck! Enjoy your weekend - and the start of the Tour de France! Mr Bassett
- Newsletter21 June 2024Newsletter W/e 21st June 2024Good afternoon, Please find this weeks newsletter hot off the press. We hope everyone have a lovely weekend.
- Newsletter14 June 2024Newsletter W/E 14th June 2024Good afternoon and welcome back! This half term is one of the busiest of the year but I can't believe we're here already! There will be lots going on this half term: trips, sports day, healthy week, another Wellbeing Wednesday, transition day, band concerts, choir concerts and the much anticipate Year 6 production of Oliver! I'd like to say a special well done to our year 1 children this week. They have worked so hard on their phonics all year and have done absolutely brilliantly on their phonics screening this week. Our Year 4 children have done incredibly well with their multiplication tests as well! So proud of you all. If you are celebrating Father's Day this weekend, please do have a good one. If you are celebrating Eid al-Adha this weekend, Eid saeid! See you on Monday, Mr Bassett
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