School News Feed
- Newsletter21 March 2025Newsletter - Friday 21st MarchGood afternoon! This week, we have had our school improvement advisor visit us. He advises schools across the council and is a previous headteacher and Ofsted inspector. He was full of praise about our expectations, the quality of the curriculum and the opportunities our children receive. This week, we also heard our school choir sing at the Forum and at the Town Hall, impressing everyone with their sheer number, confidence, volume and quality! I hope you enjoy your weekend. See you on Monday. Mr Bassett
- Newsletter14 March 2025Newsletter - Friday 14th MarchGood afternoon, everyone! As always, here’s the newsletter on a Friday afternoon. I know there are some of you who just go straight to the end for the terrible joke! This week, we have squeezed a lot in again. We have started our lunchtime clubs again which are proving incredibly popular – the library sessions, film club, gardening club and Horrible Histories were packed! We have also had our regular reading morning, year 3’s assembly, the History Van visited and much more! Whatever you’re doing this weekend, I hope you have a really good one. See you on Monday. Mr Bassett
- Newsletter7 March 2025Newsletter - Friday 7th MarchGood afternoon and happy Friday! It really feels as though spring has sprung this week and it looks like it’s going to be a great weekend! We’ve packed this week with school trips, sports competitions, World Book Day, The Biggest Football Session and more. I’m sure your children will be tired! Have a great weekend. Mr Bassett
- Newsletter28 February 2025Newsletter - Friday 28th FebruaryDear Parents and Carers, Welcome back! I hope you had a restful half term and enjoyed some quality family time. Today marks the start of Ramadan for many and on Tuesday Lent begins - both are seasons of preparation and sacrifice. If you are giving up anything during this time, whether for religious or any other reason, I hope it brings you satisfaction. As of tomorrow, Romiley Primary School is a brand-new school! We are a founding school of the Helix Academies Trust and we look forward to working with Marple Hall to make sure our children get the best deal possible in terms of funding and support. By starting something from the ground up, we can protect our proud history and ensure that Romiley Primary continues to serve this unique community as best we can. There has been a lot of work to prepare for this, and there will be more work in the future as we get used to a different way of operating, but the children, staff, you and, most importantly, the children should notice no immediate changes whatsoever. As always, any questions, please do come and see me. Have a great weekend! Mr Bassett
- Newsletter14 February 2025Newsletter - Friday 14th FebruaryDear Parents and Carers, I can't quite believe we're at half term already! This has certainly been a busy week; we've had a dance workshop, a medieval banquet, the PTA Valentine's Disco and much more! A huge thank you to the PTA for organising such a fabulous event yesterday. One girl said to me, 'Mr Bassett, this is the best day of my life!' I hope you have a fantastic half term. I look forward to seeing you on 24th February. Kind regards, Mr Bassett
- Newsletter7 February 2025Newsletter - Friday 7th FebruaryGood afternoon, This week, on my way to work, I spotted a glimpse of sunshine peering over the hills! For me, this was the first - and very welcome - sign of spring! We received great news this week that we will be converting to academy status on 1st March! Attached to this week's Ping is some news about the new crossing on Compstall Road by the rear access to Romiley Park, with work beginning next week. This should make the journey to school safer for lots of our children. I hope you have a fantastic weekend. Mr Bassett
- Newsletter31 January 2025Newsletter - Friday 31st JanuaryDear Parents and Carers, Congratulations – you made it through January! This week also roughly marks the half way point of the academic year! We’ve had another fun week here at Romiley, with a school trip, reading morning and lots of celebrations for Chinese New Year around school. Whatever you’re doing this weekend, I hope you have a good one. See you on Monday. Mr Bassett
- Newsletter24 January 2025Newsletter - Friday 24th JanuaryDear Parents and Carers, I was a very proud headteacher again this week. After giving a school tour to another experienced school leader, she said, 'Your children get a really good deal here, you have a beautiful school.' We really do have a beautiful school community and our children get amazing opportunities and experiences thanks to our our parents and staff. This week, I watched our year 6 team give a presentation on the residential trip, saw year 1 Forest School, heard about the amazing skateboarding experience, witnessed exceptional athletes compete in a triathlon and heard from the basketball team and cross country runners who demonstrated our values. This is on top of the amazing curriculum offer we have here, day in day out and the parents are carers we have who contribute so much to our school. Thank you for the part you play in our special community. Enjoy your weekend!
- Newsletter17 January 2025Newsletter - Friday 17th JanuaryGood afternoon - and happy Friday! Please find attached our weekly newsletter. I hope you all have a restful weekend! Mr Bassett
- Important11 October 2024WhatsAppDear Parents and Carers, We have been made aware of someone trying to access parent WhatsApp groups who are not parents. Whilst parent groups are set up and managed by parents, not the school, we wanted you to be aware so that you can check your privacy settings. Please report any concerns to the administrator of the group. Kind regards,
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