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PE Aims

                                    PHYSICAL EDUCATION

At Romiley Primary we believe that the children can build resilience in Physical Education by providing them with the opportunities to become more confident in their own abilities, regardless of any physical and learning needs. We aim to provide an excellent platform and facilitate an environment, which will promote and demonstrate children’s competence.

We encourage positivity through encouraging learners to positively embrace physical challenges that help them to develop their health, fitness, wellbeing and attitude, with the enthusiasm to progress further.  We aim to provide PE as a unique and memorable experience with the opportunity for them to gain a sense of pride for their own sporting achievements and work towards personal goals.

Our PE teaching promotes support for young children to have a strong interest in quality sport for life and to be regularly interactive, whilst embedding values of fairness and respect. We inspire pupils of all abilities to engage in competitive sports and activities and to compete, succeed and excel within a supportive team and support any reactions by reviewing and responding to them.

Please click on the link below to see our key concepts for this subject area.

Please click on the link below to see our PE curriculum map


The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Participating in this process allows schools to evaluate their PE provision and assists them in developing an action plan for future progress. We achieved Gold status for our amazing PE curriculum.! 


Here are some photographs of some of the inter school competitions we have taken part in this year. These range from football all the way to boccia.


Every year we host an EYFS, KS1 and KS2 Sports Day. The children love this event and everyone takes part in the intra school competition.


Here at Romiley Primary School as part of our PE offer we like to link up with our local community to use their expertise. Here are some of the clubs that we have links to.



As part of our school PE offer the children take part in a variety of activities outside of school. We have a yearly residential trip in Year 6 and visit other schools for activities. We have also won an award at the Stockport awards ceremony this year.


Our curriculum PE lessons are delivered by our class teachers and qualified coaches. They teach a range of Gymnastics, Games, Dance and OAA to all year groups.


We have a variety of extra-curricular clubs for KS1 and KS2. Here are some photographs of the chiildren taking part. 

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